May 5 to May 12


Kate Blacker


Dettie Flynn



Esther Shalev-Gerz



Andrea Blum


Andrea Blum

Catherine Radosa


Katja Stuke


Catalina Swinburn


Liza Dimbleby


Mutsumi Tsuda


Sudha Padmaja Francis


What I read in the novel came to me suddenly ,when I was waiting at the hospital last week ,with a dear one of mine. It was the second time we went to the hospital this month. The first was in the first week of April; what we thought would be a short visit, to do away with our feeble doubts about a pain that we were almost sure was some gas problem, turned into a week of hospital stay and confirmation of what one did not even dare to imagine. View more…

Claire Chevrier


Shani Ha


Michelle Deignan


Almost, single channel HD video, 1′ 40″, 2020

Luise Schröder


Sandra Richard


Ruth Maclennan


Ana Mendes


Natacha Nisic


Claire-Jeanne Jezequel


Pascale Criton


Mika Shigemori


Anne Brunswic


Une grande artiste disparaît dans la plus grande discrétion. Reconnaissance à la dame fantasque qui offrait au premier venu les fruits de l’esprit qui rendent la vie belle et bonne. View more

Kyoko Kasuya


Emmanuelle Pellegini