Alisa Berger
This radio episode, which was made together with, is focussing on our friends musicians and DJs from Ukraine, and their activities of resistance since the beginning of the war that Russia started against Ukraine.
Artists: Oleh Shpudeiko @heinali , Alexey Shmurak @alexey-shmurak , Emilia Kurylowicz @aeglobal , Olesia Onykiienko @nfnr_music , John Object @johnobject , Anna Khvyl @anna-khvyl
Katja Stuke
Nadia Lichtig
Catalina Swinburn
The determination of the stars to which some of the Egyptian temples, sacred to a known divinity, were directed, opened a way to a study, of the astronomical basis of parts of the Egyptian mythologies. It became obvious that the mythology was intensely astronomical, and crystallized early ideas suggested by actual observation of the Sun, Moon, and stars. The excavations revealed that several times in its history the complex had been razed to the ground to be re-erected and expanded on the same spot, yet each time with a slight change of orientation. The orientation of the temples must have been determined by certain stars, whose position in the sky changed over time, and this orientation was so quintessential that the temples of the earlier complexes had to be re-erected several times. It was not dilapidation that motivated the repeated construction work, but a religious necessity to follow the stars in the orientation of the temples. This is explained by the temples having been rebuilt upon old foundations, a thing which can be proved to have occurred. In the case of the Egyptian temples, the stated date of foundation of a temple is almost always long after that at which its lines were laid down in accordance with the astronomical ritual. No wonder, then, that the same thing is noticed in Greece.—From the N.Y.Sun,March,1894.
Anne Brunswic
La permanence (3).
Même décor. Les deux examinateurs.
Entre un couple de Russes, 35 ans environ, jeans, allure artiste, accompagnés d’une fillette blonde portant un nœud rose dans les cheveux. L’enfant gambade dans la salle puis revient en réclamant des câlins à sa mère.
L’examinatrice : – Si vous parlez français ou anglais, ce sera plus commode pour mon collègue.
Lui : En anglais, ça va.
Elle : – Pour moi, c’est mieux en français.
Suite des échanges tantôt en français, tantôt en anglais, tantôt en russe.
L’examinateur : Vous venez d’où ?
Lui : On est de Moscou. On est arrivés il y a deux semaines.