Dettie Flynn
April 11 to 18 April 2023
When the gravy train pulls into town try to grasp for a soup ladle and not a sieve
Lorsque le train de la prospérité arrive en ville, essayez de saisir une louche à soupe et non une passoire.
Liveful with camera – 1mins. 15 sec.
February 28 to 07 March 2023

January 24 to 31 January 2023

Gesture of Care – Translate
To contribute to Anne Dubos’ collection ARCHIVES OF CARE
To Observe
One of the very first gestures of Care : to give one’s attention to something, to a thought, or to someone.
On the morning of 31 December, I took the children to the ridge line to observe the snow-covered summit of Mont Blanc, which can be seen in the distance on a bright blue clear day.
On the way, we found a beetle.
For this new year of 2023, besides wishing you all joy, I would like to ask my Crown Sisters to help me to collect gestures of care. Sisters of mine, what would be the gesture of care that you would describe for me, for inclusion in one of the Museum Of Care‘s contributing collections?
January 10 to 17 January 2023
To contribute to Anne Dubos’ collection ARCHIVES OF CARE
December 05 to 12 November 2022
temporary measures for energy saving
des mesures temporaires pour des économies d’énergie
Liveful performance with camera – 2mins. 22 sec.
November 15 to 22 November 2022

Because none of you knew him!
Je veux vous parler de mon propre père
Parce qu’aucun de vous ne le connaissait !
October 04 to 11 October 2022
Responding bodies in water
Corps dans l’eau en réponse
I send this serenity letter to our trice vaccinated Crown Sister who is playing host again to the virus,
J’envoie cette lettre de sérénité à notre trois fois vaccinée, Crown Sister, qui joue à nouveau les hôtes du virus,
I know for a fact that she is an incredible host.
Je sais de source sûre qu’elle est un hôte incroyable.
Liveful performance with camera – 3mins. 58 sec.
September 20 to 27 September 2022
Tenacious give and take
Tenace donnant-donnant
Liveful performance with camera – 50 sec.
September 13 to 20 September 2022
when our hopes don’t become real instantly
Liveful performance with camera – 3 min. 26 sec.
September 06 to 13 September 2022
Nationalism provides us with one simple response to complex questions
Le nationalisme nous apporte une réponse simple à des questions complexes.
Liveful performance with camera – 3 min. 6 sec.
June 21 to 28 June 2022
Woman’s Weekend Factory
Emma Woffenden’s studio Bourg Argentail, France, June 2022
Liveful performance with camera
XXXI mins. ; a tad long but every bit worth it
May 31 to 07 June 2022
jardin à la française
Liveful performance with camera 1min.
May 17 to 24 May 2022
Dig for Victory
Creuser pour la victoire
Liveful performance with camera 2min21sec
Vous arrive-t-il de constater que votre longue attente n’a servi à rien ?
Que les stocks de ce que vous voulez sont épuisés avant que votre tour n’arrive ?
Ce n’est pas la faute du marchand de fruits et légumes.
C’est à vous de jouer.
Creusez pour la victoire. Il y a un peu de terre qui vous attend quelque part.
Et, sûrement, une heure dans le jardin ne vaut-elle pas mieux qu’une heure dans la queue?
Dig for Victory Ministry of Food propoganda during the Second World War – The British Library
May 10 to 17 May 2022
Fête de la Victoire
Liveful performance with camera 1min. 54 sec.
March 15 to 22 March 2022
Ils sont là bas Et je suis ici
1 mins. 09 sec.
March 01 to 08 March 2022
fuir en quête de sécurité ou rester pour se battre
2 mins. 23 sec.
Febuary 15 to 22 Febuary 2022
Made possible by MC-F & JF of
Febuary 08 to 15 Febuary 2022
Property of Michelle Deignan
Saint Agatha, detail from a painting of Francisco de Zurbarán
Saint Agatha bearing her severed breasts on a platter, by Piero della Francesca (c. 1460–1470)
Giovanni Cariani (c.1485-1547) – Portrait of a Young Woman as Saint Agatha
Agatha holding her severed breasts (her iconographic attribute) on a platter ((Complesso domenicano di) Santo Stefano, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, Italy)
Birds Blackcurrant Jelly
January 25 to 01 Febuary 2022
Liveful performance with camera 51sec.
Même pendant que nos morts sont enterrés …
… ou soulagé par retour aux santé
… les bacs des poubelles doivent être sortis
… et ramené en
January 11 to January 18 2022
Liveful performance with camera 56sec.
January 4 to January 11 2022
December 14 to December 21

WAVES OF CARE, a collective art work for TRIGGER
December 07 to December 14
ERASE THE BORDERS a collective artwork for Bienal Sur 2021 Argentina
November 30 to December 07
Le 26 novembre 2021, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé WHO a désigné la variante B.1.1.529 comme une variante préoccupante, nommée Omicron.
One Thing can become another Thing
Une Chose peut devenir une autre Chose
ERASE THE BORDERS a collective artwork for Bienal Sur 2021 (Argentina & Uruguay)
Made possible by Saviya Lopes’ Birthday Suit
November 23 to November 30
Feuilleton de Filles oscillante, filante, souhaitante XXIV
Liveful performance with camera 2mins 53sec
November 16 to November 23
Feuilleton de Filles oscillante, filante, souhaitante XXIII
Liveful performance with camera 1mins 52sec
November 09 to November 16
Feuilleton de Filles oscillante, filante, souhaitante XXII
Liveful performance with camera 2mins 9sec
From Saint-Marc-sur-Mer, to Ivana across Rio dela Plata from Buenos Aires to Montevideo
November 02 to November 09
Feuilleton de Filles oscillante, filante, souhaitante XXI
October 12 to October 19

October 05 to October 12
3mins. 49sec.
September 28 to 05 October
September 21 to 28 September
Feuilleton de Filles oscillante, filante, souhaitante XX
25% drop
performance with camera 3mins 6sec
September 15 to 21 September
Feuilleton of spinning swinging wishing Girls 0bis
September 07 to 14 September
performance with camera 2min17sec
Off voice as yet unrecorded
Dettie est une élève très agréable et enthousiaste. Elle pourrait peut-être travailler un peu plus son français au prochain trimestre.
un bon départ est la moitié de l’arrivée
Subtitles as yet unintegrated
Je suis allée me marier et je ne savais pas où j’allais, pas plus que si j’aller chercher un sou de bêtise à Cambrai.
Peig Sayers 1936 Museum of Literature Ireland
July 27 to 03 August
Feuilleton de Filles oscillante, filante, souhaitante XIX
July 13 to July 20
Feuilleton de Filles oscillante, filante, souhaitante XVIII
July 6 to July 13
Feuilleton de Filles oscillante, filante, souhaitante XVII
June 29 to July 06
canari dans une mine de charbon
We might assume these Rosebushes enthroned at the head of the rows of lined up vines are a way to feed biodiversity and enrich the soil. In fact, a rose planted at the beginning of the vine row alerts La Vigneronne of the appearance of certain diseases in particular the oïdium which is a fungus that develops on the leaves especially when it is hot and humid.
Roses are more sensitive to this disease than vine and is therefore attacked first so that the winegrower, adverted by the visibly sick rose, which is sacrificed to save the future grapes, can treat the vine before it is too late to save the harvest. The Rosebush also serves to avoid unnecessary costly routine treatments.
Someone whose sensitivity to adverse conditions makes them a useful early indicator of such conditions; someone who warns of the coming of greater danger or trouble by a deterioration in its health or welfare.
This is the story of the rose, whose social relevance is its fragility, which sacrifices itself for the vine…
69,2% Abstention in regional elections 20+27/06/2021
June 8 to June 15
May 18 to May 24
May 04 to May 10
April 20 to April 27
April 14 to April 19
April 06 to April 13
March 30 to April 05
March 24 to March 29
March 16 to March 23
March 02 to March 09
February 17 to February 23
February 10 to February 16
February 2 to February 9
January 19 to January 26 2021
January 12 to January 19 2021
December 01 to December 14
That which we can permit ourselves to show, is not necessarily the beginning middle and end of the story
Ce que nous pouvons nous permettre de montrer n’est pas forcément le début, le milieu et la fin de l’histoire.
November 24 to December 01

In dialogue with Saviya Lopes and her Emotional labour invoice, seen at the Crown Letter Salon last Tuesday and troubling me ever since. I keep going in the hope to confront my doubts and fears and hopes and worries with the collective feelings again tomorrow afternoon.
November 17 to November 24
July 14 to July 21
Et Plus
Sometimes when you can’t be doing
You are doing
Parfois quand on ne peut pas faire
On fait
Video Reading for Anne Dubos,
to put in the Crown Salon Library right beside Claude Cahun
Lecture vidéo pour Anne Dubos,
à mettre dans la Bibliothèque du Crown Salon juste à côté de Claude Cahun

May 5 to May 12
Peddling real hard
liberated from the obligation to get anywhere !
Pédaler dans la semoule
libérer de l’obligation d’y arriver !
April 21 to April 28

How nice is my bed.
I am diving in
Night Night
Dettie Flynn is an Irish artist. She lives in Brittany.