Michelle Deignan

https://player.vimeo.com/video/674228850?h=243f989338&dnt=1&app_id=122963 FINAL TEST
Single channel HD video, 1′ 38″, 2022

Aurelia Mihai

Für Michelle.

Kyoko Kasuya

I feel your breath, photograph 2022

Katja Stuke

Liza Dimbleby

Shelter, January 2022
A time of suspension, a holding time. For MD from LD, 8.02.22

Luise Schröder

Natacha Nisic

nos assemblages protecteurs 


elle h cim 2022
HD video – 45”

Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel

Puzzling Times (Our sunshine is your’s)

My daughter LK received it as a gift from my friend LK , and we made this puzzle together during the first lockdown. Sun was shining bright in Paris at this time, and we had just to watch spring coming, remember ? Since then, this is our personal sunshine made from puzzling times, dedicated to Michelle D. : Spring is coming again, soon. 

Catalina Swinburn

The orientation of the temples must have been determined by certain stars, whose position in the sky changed over time, and this orientation was so quintessential that the temples of the earlier complexes had to be re-erected several times. It was not dilapidation that motivated the repeated construction work, but a religious necessity to follow the stars in the orientation of the temples. This is explained by the temples having been rebuilt upon old foundations, a thing which can be proved to have occurred.

Ruth Maclennan

Wedding Feast in Archangel

The choir meets once or twice a week to sing traditional folk songs from Pinega. They gather in each others’ homes to rehearse and enjoy food and company. Like sisters, like the Crown sisters, they keep each other going and make art together. Some of them are in fact cousins from the same village. They have been on tour to Norway and elsewhere but mostly sing in Archangel.  One of them had just got married and invited me to the feast. I look forward to feasting again (and maybe even singing) with my Crown sisters in the spring. 

Na zdorovye!

Anne Brunswic

Hold on, M. D., primroses, daffodils, irises and tulips shall bloom for you.

Adriana Bustos


Esther Shalev-Gerz

Lost and Found, photography.

Dettie Flynn

https://player.vimeo.com/video/673962044?h=208649b245&dnt=1&app_id=122963 Feuilleton of spinning swinging wishing Girls XXVI – Property of Michelle Deignan

Saint Agatha, detail from a painting of Francisco de Zurbarán
Saint Agatha bearing her severed breasts on a platter, by Piero della Francesca (c. 1460–1470)
Giovanni Cariani (c.1485-1547) – Portrait of a Young Woman as Saint Agatha
Agatha holding her severed breasts (her iconographic attribute) on a platter ((Complesso domenicano di) Santo Stefano, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, Italy)
Birds Blackcurrant Jelly

Saviya Lopes

Image 1: “A Breast for a Breast”, Acrylic impression on paper, 2022
Image 2: “Wield it”, Body Cast; white cement, 2022

1) “A Breast for a Breast”

In this free world, still lives a colonizer named “Cancer”; who greets in silence through the mountains that shield us. It’s been days since he tried to conquer and colonize you, your body and your very own belongings. “Get Comfortable”, you said… For you knew no one can invade your safe space, your brave space. As you move ahead and build yourself to fight back,  I offer you a breast for a breast; In solidarity, in strength and in hope. Mine are as tender as yours but much smaller to be defined But they are breasts after all.  Existent or non-existent, they will always fight is all I know. A Breast for a breast, let us put your cancer to rest.

2) “Imagining Michelle”

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray… As we go on to recite this prayer to the patron of my parish church, I can’t help but draw similarities to Michelle. Drawing parallels to the origin of her name and representation of St. Michael; I can’t reverse my vision of Michelle as a warrior, fully armed with helmet, sword and shield, as she fights her battle.  

Emma Woffenden

Extra eyes for the most delicate handiwork. Extra eyes for looking into other eyes.

Manuela Morgaine

Twice Infinity – For Michelle Deignan

Catherine Radosa

Par tous les seins

Anne Dubos

Good Luck.

Ivana Vollaro

Crown Letters for Michelle, February 2022.

Ana Mendes

https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/1211292703&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=trueanamendesana · Ana MENDES Week88


Self-portrait is a play based on the collection of my personal details, from my birthday to the track of diseases in my family. I always collected my personal details and wondered what is the role that inheritance plays in our life. It could be a police questionnaire, a health survey or a manifesto against all the interrogatories that we have to fill in over our lives. But, it is not. It is just a self-portrait. Perhaps, automatic.

Maricarmen Merino

Mysteries – for Michelle Deignan