Anne Dubos

Anne DubosNature is Ancient
ERASE THE BORDERS – a collective art work for Bienal Sur 2021 (Argentina)

Alors que le vent d’automne s’apprête à balayer toutes les feuilles,
La ligne d’horizon, elle, se dévoile.

Liza Dimbleby

Shelter, London, 21st September 2021

Letter from London: In the Circus

It is the start of term. I am drawing with the new students in real life. We meet in the middle of Arnold Circus, at the bandstand, an octagonal structure set high on a mound and circled by seven plane trees. The ground about the bandstand is slightly raised and curved, like a cake, and the wide floor is covered with dry brown leaves that have been left to pile and rustle. You must go up two flights of stairs to get to the top, and when you get there, it is autumn.

click here to read more

Dettie Flynn

Dettie Flynn Letter to Glasgow: Salvaging from Dettie Flynn for and about LIZA DIMBLEBY, 8mins12sec

Ivana Vollaro

Ivana Vollaro Frontera portuñola– ERASE THE BORDERS a collective art work for Bienal Sur 2021.

Aurelia Mihai

Aurelia Mihai … şi cel moldovean / … And the Moldavian one
ERASE THE BORDERS a collective art work for Bienal Sur 2021 (Argentina)

to see the video click here

Ruth Maclennan

RuthMaclennanTree Cover
ERASE THE BORDERS a collective art work for Bienal Sur 2021 (Argentina)

The boundaries here represent forest cleared to grow crops of soya, palm oil… The fields have borders, the forest – a rich green canopy – does not. Many areas of Amazon rainforest are legally – but not always actually – protected indigenous lands. Fires are being set, or allowed to spread,  to clear forest to plant fields of soy.  The political borders of indigenous lands are being erased by fire and capital. The boundaries were brought in to parcel up the forest and impose a way of seeing land and place that is not shared by those who live there.  Borders are made to keep people in, and out, but don’t keep out much else without a lot of work. Borders are strange and unnatural and depend on a deliberate blindness – turning a blind eye to what they do – to be recognized.  Trees, birds, fish, insects, fungi travel thousands of miles and get called ‘native’ or ‘invasive’ species – though they don’t know it.   

Michelle Deignan

Michelle Deignan Paint the world in gold, Single channel HD video, 59″, 2021

Katja Stuke

Katja Stuke Luxus für alle (Luxury for everybody) Düsseldorf 2021

Catherine Radosa

Catherine Radosa Dialog, Photography of the letter sent to Adriana Bustos for the exhibition of The Crown letter at the Bienal Sur.

Manuela Morgaine

Manuela Morgaine We are Worlds
ERASE THE BORDERS – a collective art work for Bienal Sur 2021 (Argentina)

to see the video click here

Ana Mendes

Ana Mendes Drawing Series VI, 2021, performance/installation, 50 cm x 30 cm, exhibtion view CIK, Sweden ©Ana Mendes