Hagar Cygler

Exercice #4
« Kids and pets are just as good subjects indoors and outdoors »

Aylin Leclaire

When it dreams

Anne Dubos

Ma cheville

La marche, pour être exacte, devient comme un nouveau sujet d’étude.

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Liza Dimbleby

MAP 3: Sussex July 2020/London May 1982


I went to visit my father in England for the first time since the lockdown. I found him in his study reciting old diary entries into a tape recorder: “May 1982, The Pope..”. Click to read more

Kyoko Kasuya

Unexpected summer

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Ivana Vollaro

Untitled, Work in Progress, 2020

Ruth Maclennan

Test Center

I woke up with a head of concrete, someone banging on it; and more concrete on my belly. It came on suddenly, and didn’t subside. I couldn’t eat. Robin called work to let them know he might not be able to come in. Work insisted he couldn’t come in for two weeks, and the whole family would have to self-isolate, if we didn’t take the test. I took my temperature, with the dodgy digital thermometer which insists we are a cold family – having temperatures of 35.5. Click to read more

Katja Stuke

Cities change the Songs of Birds
Nishinari, Street View, Xerox, 2020

Michelle Deignan


SE Barnet


Luise Schröder

Anne Brunswic

To the light house, short length.

A young couple walks along the wooden footbridge that leads to the lighthouse. The man’s right hand rests on the woman’s left shoulder. Fly fishermen are stationed every two or three meters. Each time a fisherman takes a swing to cast a line, the couple withdraw a few steps back, laughing. Ten meters below, the pale green sea is lifted by opposing currents of salt water and fresh water. As one approaches closer to the lighthouse, the waves increase in height. Click to read more

Catalina Swinburn


Natacha Nisic

Format of Memory


Emma Woffenden

Shelved shapes, shapes shelved.
Studio, Bourg Argental, August 2020.


Aurelia Mihai

Red Cinema

Ana Mendes

Capital, Ink and rubber stamp on paper