The Crown Letter
Corona weekly diary – Perspectives of women artists from all over the world

KG+ Kyoto, Japan
KG+ photography festival satelleite event to Kyotografie, Kyoto

Institut français du Japon, Kansai
8 Izumidono-Cho, Yoshida Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto
April 9 to May 7 2022
Admission free

Open: 4/9-5/7 10 am – 19 pm, and 4/24 (Sunday)
Closed: Sun, Mon, National holidays and from 4/29 to 5/05

Crown Salon on zoom will be held by participating artists (please check the website of Institut Français for the detail) https://www.institutfrancais.jp/kansai/fr/agenda/kg2022p/

The Crown Letter is a collective online art project, initiated by the French artist Natacha Nisic in April 2020 in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Nisic, a former artist in residence at the Villa Kujoyama, sent an invitation to women artists around the world to contribute to a collective online journal, a platform for art in a time of isolation. Each week, the artists post a new edition of the Crown Letter and hold an online salon, to discuss art and life and support each other. The Crown Letter exhibited in the Bienalsur in Argentina and Uruguay, and with curation of Photo Days in France in 2021. And now, the French Institute of Japan – Kansai presents an exhibition of The Crown Letter: an archive of the present, a testimony to the experiences of women artists during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Organiser : Institut français du Japon – Kansai / Kyoto
Partner : Goethe Institut Villa Kamogawa & Baron de Lestac

BIENALSUR Montevideo, Uruguay
Dec. 15 to Feb. 15 2022

organized by Photo Days.
Romainville France, Oct 15 to Nov 27, 2021

27/11 Finissage + performances
16h, “Campagne de Paris, paysage triangulaire” projection et lecture (40′), projet de long terme en cours de Catherine Radosa. Avec Campagne de Paris, paysage triangulaire, je constitue progressivement une cartographie sensible, dynamique et stratifiée du paysage en transformation dont l’identité tient à sa configuration topographique de triangle, vaste aire agricole de 670 hectares dessinée par les routes, les autoroutes, les aéroports et autres marques de l’étalement urbain. Nous sommes aux franges de la région parisienne, au-delà de sa banlieue nord qu’absorbe le projet Grand Paris.
17h30, « MÉMORANDUM DE LA PESTE, d’après le livre de Georges Didi-Huberman » (22′) performance de Manuela Morgaine. Je suis vêtue de mon masque vénitien de “Médecin de Peste” présent dans plusieurs de mes photographies proposées dans la Crown Letter ainsi que d’un manteau de lumières. Cette performance s’inscrit dans la série intitulée Epidemic Variations.

exhibition documentary @ Kyoko Kasuya and Catherine Radosa

BIENALSUR Córdoba, Argentina
Sept 30 to Dec 30, 2021

HYPERFESTIVAL, Paris, August 1 to 31, 2021
Photodays presents The Crown Letter in Paris

Presented in the form of panels, the Crown Letter weeks of the year 2020 are presented in the square of the Tour Saint-jacques, drawing a line more than 28 meters long on one of the busiest streets in Paris. The year 2021 unfolds in Square Villemin, along the Canal Saint-Martin. The Crown Letter takes place in the public space while keeping its part of « collective diary ».