Week 122 – November 8 to November 15
Katja Stuke

Anne Brunswic

En visitant le Museo de la Memoria à Rosario, j’ai été frappée par une photographie qui occupe un mur entier. Elle est l’œuvre de Gerardo Dell’Oro, un reporter argentin qui a accompagné aux Malouines en 2010 le premier grand pèlerinage de familles de disparus. Elle représente des dizaines de bottes et de baskets éventrées fichées sur des piquets au milieu de la lande déserte. Dans le contexte du musée de Rosario, cela peut passer pour de « l’arte povera ».
Manuela Morgaine

Shocked this week in France by the invective to a French deputy of African origin by a far-right deputy: “GO BACK TO AFRICA!” I remembered this sculpted face that I had seen in the Ousmane Sow Museum in Dakar. In front of this face I then said to myself that all the suffering of migrations and exile was expressed by this single head of clay that I then saw emerging like a deep root.
Kasia Ozga
Digital Video. Duration: 1 minute 21 seconds.
There is a tall-grass prairie preserve near where I live. In 2015, the Western Reserve Land Conservancy acquired a 63-acre property on the southern edge of the City of Oberlin in Lorain County. The preserve is part of the Black River Watershed and originally belonged to the Copeland family, which was actively involved in the abolitionist movement and the fugitive slave assistance network. The spirit of John Anthony Copeland lives on in this place.
Aurelia Mihai

Freiheit der Frau ist die Freiheit der Gesellschaft
The Freedom of Women is the Freedom of Society
Anne Dubos

If one is wondering about Care, its value and its meaning, I have finally been wondering about carelessness. To be careless isn’t somehow, more than a way of not paying any attention, a behaviour that returns not receiving any gesture of Care? These two kids, growing in my womb, in my hospital room during the lockdown, without any gesture of attention nor care from their father, nor family and friends: weren’t they left careless?
To be careless has, at least two meanings, that mirrors the notion of reciprocity. If the Oxford dictionary offers this definition to the term careless: « not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harms or error.» Its synonyms are: « to be inattentive or uncautious ; An action or its results caused by a lack of attention. Not concerned or worried about.»
Natacha Nisic

Meuble à fiches constitué par Aby Warburg à partir de 1914 jusqu’en 1918.
Kunst bibliothek, Hamburg
File cabinet made by Aby Warburg from 1914 to 1918.
Kunst bibliothek, Hamburg