Aurelia Mihai

Katja Stuke

No Tree, A Glitch in Mariupol (Google Street View 2015) Apr 14, 2022
»Trees in Ukraine« inspired Jerry Gordon, musician in Osaka: Listen to his tracks »»
Michelle Deignan

Catherine Radosa
Plantes résistantes II (Resistant plants II)
(8/5/2022, Triangle de Gonesse, participatory happening and photographic series)
Ruth Maclennan

These two saplings sprouted from acorns I collected in the park last year, or the year before. They’ll need more room soon, so I’ll plant them out together. They grow slowly and could live for four hundred years or more. These are common oak – English oak, Pedunculate, Quercus Robur. In England however, many of the oak groves were cut down to build ships to fight Napoleon and have never fully recovered. The oak is also the most common tree in Ukraine, Dub. The D is important – Dodona was an ancient Greek city, loved by Zeus, appointed to be his oracle, where doves lived in the hollow of an oak. A place for prophecies and prophetesses.
Valeria Troubina

Manuela Morgaine

Icaros & Profetes – Tribute to Vangelis Βαγγέλης Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou – Agría March 29 1943- Paris May 17 2022.