SE Barnet

SE Barnet

Sept 20 to Sept 27

Empire of Distribution, 2022
HD video  4’15”

Sept 13 to Sept 20

Thirsty Fountain, 2022
HD video  1’31”

July 19 to July 26

The Sleep of Violence, 2022
HD video  2’44”

July 12 to July 19

After Roe v Wade, 2022
HD video  1’32”

July 5 to July 12

Inflation, 2022
HD video  2’13”

June 28 to July 5

Invisible Forces, 2022
HD video  1’44”

June 21 to June 28

The Model, 2022
HD video  1’44”

March 1 to March 8

Swan sketch 2022
HD video – 45”

February 22 to March 1

Breath on Water 2022
HD video – 58”

February 15 to February 21

Whistler’s Sunrise 2022
HD video – 1’12”

February 8 to February 15

elle h cim 2022
HD video – 45”

February 1 to February 8

Negative breakfast

January 25 to February 1

Wind in the Trees, 2022
HD video  1’44”

September 21 to September 28

Safe, 2021
HD video,  1’30”

September 7 to September 14

train’s late, 2021

August 24 to August 31

HD video,  1’20”

July 27 to August 3

We were here
Single channel video 
7 minutes 

July 20 to July 27

single channel video 45″

July 13 to July 20

single channel video 38″

June 7 to June 14

June 1 to June 7

Immediate Nostalgia, 
collaborators Lily Windsor and Esther Windsor

May 11 to May 18

To London via Mars
Single channel video 1’41”

April 27 to May 4

11° and the suns out
Single channel video – 1’ 17”

One year anniversary

April 6 to April 13

SE Barnet The Politics of Salmon, postcard 02 Watercolor on paper, 6 x 4”

March 23 to March 30

SE Barnet The Politics of Salmon, postcard 01Watercolor on paper, 6 x 4”

March 16 to March 23

Impassable Single channel video: 1’15”

March 8 to March 16

SE Barnet International Women’s DaySingle channel video – 3 minutes

March 2 to March 9

Perseverance Plans
Single channel video: 2’16”

February 23 to March 2

Single channel video: 50”

February 16 to February 23

New World
Single channel video, 50″

February 9 to February 16

Single channel video, 1’20”

February 2 to February 9

1′ 47″

January 26 to February 2

Snow day/Slow day
one minute

January 19 to January 26

Singing to the pigeons
single channel video: 1’ 44”

January 12 to January 19

Turtles All the Way Down
Single channel video: 1’ 35”

December 8 to December 15

Single channel video, 2’ 23”

December 1 to December 8

Do You Feel Real
Single channel video, 2’16”

November 17 to November 24

Synonyms Bitch
Single channel video, 1’21”

November 10 to November 17

Slow Celebration
Single channel video, 1’08”

November 3 to November 10

Second verse, same as the first…
Single channel video, 1’12”

October 27 to November 3

Track and Trace
Single channel video, 43”

October 20 to October 27

Generative Fictions
single channel video, 57″, 2020

October 13 to October 19

The Politics of Salmon
Single channel video, 1’30”

October 6 to October 13

Single channel video, 53”

September 29 to October 6

Their Catastrophe, My Souvenir
Single channel video, 2’ 18”

September 22 to September 29

Intelligent Agents
Single channel video, 1’ 40”

September 15 to September 22

Take a walk
Single channel video, 41”

September 8 to September 15

Single channel video, 1’ 45”

September 1 to September 8

Single channel video, 3’ 11”

August 18 to August 31

Involved vs Committed
Single channel video 23”

August 4 to August 11

Single channel video 2’ 11”

July 28 to August 4

Single channel video, 30  »

July 21 to July 28

Summer Swim
Single channel video, 1 minute 24 seconds, 2020

July 14 to July 21

SE Barnet, Water-Plow
Single channel video, 1 minute 55 seconds, 2020 (c) SE Barnet

July 7 to July 14

Single channel video, 1mins 15 secs, 2020

June 30 to July 7

1’50 » Mono Channel video

SE Barnet is an internationally exhibiting artist from Los Angeles now based in the UK. Her practice employs anecdote and language towards a consideration of personal histories sited within larger political discourses. Working across multiple media including; drawing, moving image and installation, she creates intimate visual essays on everyday pursuits. Her works often engage with relationships encircling place and identity.

SE Barnet’s works are part of the J. Paul Getty Research Institute’s Collection of Video Art and have been exhibited at the Getty Museum and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the ICA in London, and the American Academy in Rome. As well, she has contributed writing to MIT’s Leonardo Journal and illustrations and writing to three projects published by Verse Chorus Press. Barnet collaborated on the Everyday Press book Drawing and Other writing.