May 18 to May 25
Sudha Padmaja Francis
Esther Shalev-Gerz

Ruth Maclennan

Natacha Nisic

Imaginez une situation d’enfermement dont on échapperait avec un nom de code, Eldorado, qu’il suffirait d’évoquer en montrant la paume de la main. De multiples mains se lèveraient par delà l’horizon, tous les Eldorados – utopie actives – seraient accessibles en un geste.
Imagine a situation of confinement from which one would escape with a code name, Eldorado, which one would simply evoke by showing the palm of the hand. Multiple hands would rise up beyond the horizon, all the Eldorados – active utopia – would be accessible in a gesture.
Manuela Morgaine

Catherine Radosa

Photography made during the long-term film project (2018-2021) on the Triangle of Gonesse (France) – agricultural land threatened with artificialization.
Dettie Flynn
Feuilleton of spinning swinging wishing Girls XV
Liza Dimbleby

Postcard from Masha Kassian-Bonnet, graphic designer, Gambetta, Paris
Le 15 mai 2021, Paris. Ma chambre-bureau avec vue sur notre parc. Au printemps cette verdure resplendissante nous fait presque oublier les voitures qui passent en bas… On ne voit pas mais on n’a plus le droit d’aller sur le petit balcon – une famille de pigeons y a installé un nid. Un petit pigeonneau est né il y a pile une semaine. Si j’ouvre la porte du balcon les parents s’enfuient en panique. On a donc condamné cette porte pour le moment, en attendant que le petit s’envole. A quel âge les pigeons prennent leur envol ?
My bedroom-study with a view of our park. In the spring this resplendent greenery almost makes us forget the cars passing below … You can’t see, but we are no longer allowed out on the small balcony — a family of pigeons has made a nest there. A baby pigeon was born exactly a week ago. If I open the balcony door the parents fly off in panic. So we have condemned this door for the moment, while waiting for the little one to fly away. At what age do pigeons take flight?
POSTCARDS to GLASGOW (IV): Through the Window.
This week’s postcards come from a housing estate in the Orkney islands, an Italian hill town, a Paris balcony, a street in East Oxford and from a friend who lives just a mile away, although that also felt like a remote land in the months of strict lockdown.
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Anne Dubos