June 29 to July 6
Anne Brunswic

En écho au film documentaire Virilité de Cécile Deanjean vu hier à la télévision (france.tv).
Anne Dubos

Dettie Flynn
canary in a coal minecanari dans une mine de charbon, video 56″, 2021
Ruth Maclennan
Crown World, video, 1′, 2021
Liza Dimbleby

Letter from Glasgow: In the Garden
This Saturday a group of us played music in the walled gardens of the old Gartnavel Asylum. We had been invited as part of a Covid commissioned theatre project. A few people were allowed into the garden to hear us and we played old Klezmer tunes, Breton and Scottish folk tunes under an ancient pear tree. The garden before us was full of flowers and herbs, abundant and well tended, behind us loomed the West House of the Asylum, with glass doors opening on to a terrace
Esther Shalev-Gerz
Manuela Morgaine
The Return of Sweetness
Michelle Deignan
Circular Cruise, single channel HD video, 1′ 22″, 2021