Esther Shalev-Gerz

February 20 to February 27 2024


Photography © Esther Shalev-Gerz, 2023-24

April 12 to April 19

Some Blossoms Don’t Flower, 1,2,3, Photography © Esther Shalev-Gerz, 2022.

February 15 to February 22, 2022

Second Passage AUCIEL
Photography, 2022

February 8 to February 15, 2022

Lost and Found
Photography, 2022

January 11 to January 18, 2022

Variations, two of one or one of two
Sculpture, Jura marble & Elbe Valley sandstone, 28 x 18 x 20 cm, 2022

June 29 to July 6, 2021

Single channel HD video, 29″, 2021

June 1 to June 7, 2021

Single channel HD video, 1’05 », 2021

May 18 to May 25, 2021

In Construction
Photography, 2021

April 20 to April 27, 2021

After One Year, photo and text
Photography and text, 34,5 x 70 cm, 2021

Once a year the white domestic paint that will gradually vanish outdoors, was to be refreshed, a layer of this
vulnerable surface would accumulate the traces of passage by future visitors.

August 4 to August 11, 2020

Photos and poems, 27 x 45 cm each, 2021

Can lungs see air circulating curling waves

passing time of shallow intake

masked from pollen-bearing future

Day of Air will be celebrated soon

Les poumons peuvent-ils voir l’air circulant vagues enroulées

Le temps de l’inspiration superficielle qui passe

Masqué de l’avenir porteur de pollen

Le Jour de l’Air sera célébré bientôt

June 30 to June 7, 2020

Photos and poems, 27 x 45 cm each, 2021

Fata morgana image of air

made of common fear

and cultivated desire

mirage that predict its end

without memory

Fata morgana image de l’air

Faite de peur commune et

de désir cultivé

mirage qui prédit sa fin

sans mémoire

June 23 to June 30, 2020

Photos and poems, 27 x 45 cm each, 2021

Covering the large waters and earth

Air is invisible to the eyes

Feeling it inside is not enough

I need to perceive it as all unnotices

Seeing the air must be a civic longing

Couvrant les grandes eaux et la terre

L’air est invisible aux yeux

Le ressentir à l’intérieur n’est pas suffisant

J’ai besoin de le percevoir comme tout ce qui n’est pas visible

Voir l’air doit être un désir civique

June 16 to June 23, 2020

Photos and poems, 27 x 45 cm each, 2021

Police cars frame it

on the way to order the pain

the neighbors offer meat, coffee,

hate and forge the shadows

the swell is changed rejects adding

through the leafy eyes

art by females with masculine stable blots

word jumps definition of end

Les voitures de police l’encadrent

sur le chemin pour inflige la douleur

les voisins offrent de la viande, du café,

de la haine et forgent les ombres

la houle est changée les rejets s’ajoutent 

au travers des yeux feuillus 

l’art des femmes avec des taches masculines stables 

saut de mots définition de fin



May 26 to June 2, 2020

Collaboration with Christopher Fleischner

Photos and poems, 27 x 45 cm each, 2021

The dunes are bent by the wind

shaped by silence of looking away

lured by white cold anger

bleached into transparent delight

Les dunes sont distordues par les vents

Façonnées par le silence des regards détournés

Séduites par la colère froide

Blanchies en un plaisir transparent

Une année

May 19 to May 26, 2020

Photos and poems, 27 x 45 cm each, 2021


The frame is moving it never stops

the direction is to the still sun

Potential shadow is immanent

waiting for the leaves to bud


Le cadre est en mouvement  il ne s’arrête jamais

la direction est celle du soleil immobile

L’ombre potentielle est immanente

En attendant le bourgeonnement des feuilles

Collaboration with Christopher Fleischner

May 12 to May 19, 2020

Photos and poems, 27 x 45 cm each, 2021