December 7 to December 14
Adriana Bustos

Acrylic and graphite on canvas – ERASE THE BORDERS – a collective artwork for Bienal Sur 2021 (Uruguay).
Aurelia Mihai

ERASE THE BORDERS a collective art work for Bienal Sur 2021 (Uruguay)
Anne Brunswic
Carta a nuestras amigas del MAPI Montevideo, Uruguay. Memorias del muso etnografico de Salta, Argentina.
Letter to our friends of MAPI, Montevideo, Uruguay. Memories of the ethnographical museum of Salta, Argentina.
Musée fantôme
Le musée dort dans la torpeur de midi. On hésite à pousser la porte. Dans le hall désert, un vigile en veste de cuir noir molletonné regarde une vidéo sur son téléphone, les écouteurs dans les oreilles. Il faut un peu remuer pour attirer son attention. Le papier du ticket est vieillot comme s’il avait été imprimé il y a dix ans. On a ajouté à la main trois zéros au prix d’origine. On entre dans une grande salle de belle facture contemporaine, inspirée peut-être par Le Corbusier. Une lumière zénithale entre à l’oblique. C’est élancé, inspirant mais la visiteuse esseulée n’a pas grand-chose à se mettre sous la dent. Quelques vitrines d’archéologie inca et proto-inca, de larges amphores, une Pacha Mama allaitant deux petits goulus, des bijoux et fibules. Les panneaux pédagogiques vous font voyager sur la trace des lamas plusieurs siècles avant l’arrivée des Espagnols. Salta est au pied de la cordillère des Andes, séparée du Chili et de la Bolivie par des sommets vertigineux. Des trésors archéologiques nichent à 5000 m d’altitude.
Anne Dubos

ERASE THE BORDERS – a collective artwork, Bienal Sur 2021 (Uruguay)
Manuela Morgaine

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launches Operation Cast Lead. On December 27, 2008, the evening of the lighting of the seventh Hanukkah candle, and the last Shabbat of the year, the IDF launched Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, with the aim of striking the infrastructure and launching pads of Hamas rockets following continued terrorist activity and rocket fire from the Gaza Strip targeting Israeli civilians.
On the evening of January 19, according to the provisional toll reported by the head of the emergency services in Gaza, Mouawiya Hassanein, 1,315 Palestinians were killed in the Israeli offensive, including more than 410 children and 100 women, and more than 5,285. others were injured; according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, civilians make up 65% of those killed. On the Israeli side, 3 civilians and 10 Israeli soldiers lost their lives, and 113 soldiers were injured along with more than 84 civilians, according to B’Tselem.
According to IDF, there were 1,166 Palestinians killed, including 709 militants from various armed groups, which corresponds to a maximum of 39.2 percent of civilians. B’Tselem speaks of 1,387 Palestinians killed, including 773 civilians (including 252 children under the age of 16), 330 activists (including 19 minors) and 248 police officers.
Liza Dimbleby

ERASE THE BORDERS a collective art work for Bienal Sur 2021 (Uruguay)
Letter from Glasgow: Live
The tree outside my back window holds its leaves when all others about have blown. The trees on our street are stripped bare in a night when a strong wind blows, an abrupt ending. But the tree at the back is protected from the wind on three sides by the enclosing back walls of tenements. Now it is the last space of yellow in a landscape of wet stone, slate and thin black branches.
L’arbre à l’extérieur de ma fenêtre arrière garde ses feuilles quand tous les autres autour ont soufflé. Les arbres de notre rue sont dénudés dans une nuit où souffle un vent fort, une fin abrupte. Mais l’arbre à l’arrière est protégé du vent sur trois côtés par les murs d’enceinte des immeubles. C’est maintenant le dernier espace jaune dans un paysage de pierre mouillée, d’ardoise et de fines branches noires.
(Letter from Glasgow, Musica Adventus, December 1st-8th 2020)
The travelling has paused. Instead of talking with new words I swop texts and translations with Crown Letter friends who I have never met in person, we try out words between us, send them back and forth from our screens. Different words for things, to give them a better chance of being heard.
Ruth Maclennan

The light is fading, but not evenly. Shadows deepen and edges blur, but some birch trees snatch the last gleam and hold onto it, as if lit from within. The sun is a ghost now, and night is a place that quickly forgets. Like the birches I am desperate to soak up the last of the light, tramping through deep snow, barely able to see through the viewfinder, which steams up as I try to focus on lines that refuse to be sharp. I’m drawn to shadows, where fairytale beasts might lurk and come out and speak if I stay still.
This is Kenozero, a large national park in the Arkhangelsk region of Russia, which is the size of France.
Katja Stuke

from an upcoming series »Paris 2024«
Dettie Flynn
ERASE THE BORDERS a collective artwork for Bienal Sur 2021 Argentina (Uruguay)