Claire Chevrier
September 8 to September 15
extrait 2 de l’ensemble « poser un espace » , photography, 2020, Claire Chevrier
« …to die, to sleep! To sleep, perchance to dream… » Hamlet, Shakespeare..
August 4 to August 11

Personne espace extérieur 11, La Force
July 7 to July 14

extrait de l’ensemble « poser un espace »
« …to die, to sleep! To sleep, perchance to dream… » Hamlet, Shakespeare.
June 23 to June 30

« Personne espace exterieur » Nonette
What does post-lockdown mean for people who live in institutions?
May 26 to June 2

Personne espace extérieur 19″ (CHS Chezal Benoît)
19 May to 26 May

12 May to 18 May

5 May to 12 May

Spaces crossed
How the body evolves in its workspace but also the movement of this body in relation to the tools used. How one or more bodies fit into an interior or exterior space dedicated to a specific activity, scenic, organized, ritualized by the function? It is a question of questioning the structure and organisation of the space in relation to the users.
How does the individual occupy this space, alone or in a team, manage to appropriate it or not?….
My research in 2010 with the Centre Régional de la Photographie Nord-Pas-De-Calais allows me to meet different people working in, or with ESATs (Etablissement Spécialisé d’Aide par le Travail), workers and people undergoing professional training.
It’s at this time that I began to draw up this questioning around the spaces thought, dedicated or not, to disabled workers and then all the inhabited places, crossed by disabled people, their limits, their possibilities?
In the spring of 2011, I am leading a two-year workshop, initiated within the framework of « Artist in Residence », a program designed by La Fabrique du Regard, Plate-forme pédagogique du Bal; with students of seconde GT and the Unité Localisée pour l’Inclusion Scolaire (ULIS) of the Lycée Jacques Monod in Paris. This « Parcours » project envisaged the notion of displacement in both the literal and figurative senses. For this purpose we met and exchanged with the teams of ESAT Ménilmontant, the Day Centre « Les jours heureux » and the Secours Populaire Français, Paris.
It is in the logic of this whole journey that my photographic project and my visit to the John Bost Foundation at La Force continue. I have identified different aspects that I am particularly interested in:
Outdoor spaces
For the reception of people; how the space is designed in relation to its functions or not.
What are, « in spite of everything », the spaces of autonomy the spaces dedicated or left accessible, potentially available, and how to make them visible, readable with an image.
Living and working places
How each individual, in relation to the proposed work, appropriates or does not appropriate a proposed space or situation.
At first I identified different places like workshops dealing with ergonomics, the life of the therapeutic restaurant, the routes / chosen walks / freedom of movement, of displacement.
This work allowed me to observe from the displacements, a cartography of the circulation and the hazards of the passage such as the trace evoked by Fernand Deligny.
I have already been able to work at the SSSLD of the CHU d’Angers (Long Term Care Suite) as well as in other places such as the CESAME in Ste gemmes, the George Sand Hospital in Bourges, the Specialized Hospital Center of Chezal Benoit and the Therapeutic and Research Center of Nonette…
How a space is held, how a certain surface is structured (that of space and that of photography), waiting spaces where different stories could be played out. Generic images, open spaces, that’s what my work tends towards.
After obtaining her DNSEP at the Beaux Arts de Grenoble in 1987, she devoted herself to a largely photographic research that questions the space and place of man. Resident at the Villa Medici in Rome in 2007-2008. She has had several solo exhibitions including: in 2005 « Sur quelques mégapoles » at the Nicéphore Niepce Museum in Chalon-sur-Saône, with her work resulting from several research trips to different megacities (Bombay, Rio, Lagos, Cairo…). In 2009 « Un jour comme les autres » at the Centre de la photographie Île-de-France in Pontault-Combault as well as « la Salle Blanche » at the Musée des Beaux Arts in Nantes; in 2011 « Connivence 1 » at the Musée de l’Image in Épinal. In 2012, « Il fait jour », work resulting from a residency with the Centre Régional de la Photographie in Douchy-les-Mines and « Camminando » at the Villa Médicis. In 2014, « Charleroi » at the Museum of Photography in Charleroi, Belgium, restoring a work carried out as part of a Photographic Mission in 2014. « Des mondes qui passent » in 2015 at the Galerie Le Bleu du Ciel in Lyon. « Metonymic spaces » in Beijing in 2016…
Among the group exhibitions are the following: in 2005 « La photographie à l’épreuve » at the Institut d’Art Contemporain de Villeurbanne, in 2006 « Les peintres de la vie moderne », a collection of photographs from the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations presented at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris ; in 2008 « La grande traversée, horizons photographiques », works from the Fonds National d’Art Contemporain in Quebec (Canada); in 2010, « Acercamiento », Antonio Perez Foundation, Cuenca (Spain) as part of Photo Espagna; and in 2011 « L’objet photographique une invention permanente », Maison européenne de la photographie in Paris. In 2012 » Work » Fotografia Festival Internazionale di Roma, MACRO Testaccio… In 2013 » Des images comme des oiseaux » works of the CNAP at the Friche Belle in May as well as » Les choses de ce côté du monde » MUCEM, Fort St Jean, Marseille too. In 2016 at the Centre d’Art Contemporain du Domaine de Chamarande » Paysages urbains, rêves et réalités » as well as at the Musée Nicéphore Niépce » L’œil de l’expert, la photographie contemporaine » and more recently » Paysages français, une aventure photographique (1980-2017 « ) at the BNF…
She teaches at the ENSAV (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles).