Week 156 – July 11 to July 18
Manuela Morgaine
« Avec ces gants vous traverserez les miroirs comme de l’eau. Il ne s’agit pas de comprendre, il s’agit de croire. » Orphée, Jean Cocteau, 1950
Liza Dimbleby
Letter from Glasgow: Drawing and Losing
I covered the couch with a Qashqai rug, a worn runner that my mother no longer wanted, but which was too long for my hallway. It fitted just right. I added some cushions and a blanket. It made a pretty good near relative of the couch in London, at the Freud Museum. It was somewhat creaky, being over a hundred years old, and had un-sprung itself in places, but I like to lie there and stare, out of the window, along my bookshelves, daydreaming.
What use to me the clarity, the lucidity? Classification continues to elude me, and the re-arranged papers form a new pattern on the carpet covered couch, in this endless circle of losing and finding.
Kyung-hwa Choi-ahoi
“there and away”
21 x 29,7cm, pencil on paper, 2022
Katja Stuke
Collage pour une vidéo sur le Métavers, 2023