Week 120 – October 25 to November 1st
Katja Stuke

Liza Dimbleby

Postcard from Glasgow for Sudha Padmaja Francis (Week 119)
You can never have too much yellow Pierre Bonnard
Sudha Padmaja Francis

Afternoon dream
that beckons through the train window
Me measuring distances through creases
on my kurta,
between what is around and what I wish for.
Trees are fool proof philosophers, always.
Just them standing tall, sometimes so still,
sometimes swaying to the lightest of the winds
have many a reminders to give me
lined alongside the railway track.
Train pulls into Tirur station
Afternoon light and the film on the train window
that puts a filter to the outside.
Such a banal afternoon it looks like
this afternoon..
it’s endless possibilities of being
presents itself
through the train window.
Anne Dubos

This morning again.
Tears blurred my sight.
« Il faut croire au bonheur, nous sommes faites pour ça »
Sent me a friend on a message.
I believe her.
Anne Brunswic

Solo conocido por Dios
Après deux mois passés en Argentine à sonder les cicatrices de la guerre des Malouines, j’atterris sur l’archipel. 52° de latitude sud. Falklands. Il faut s’habituer à ce nom, passer d’un coup à la langue anglaise, à la livre sterling. Fin novembre, c’est le printemps austral. Ciel dégagé bleu lavande, vent féroce. Les hôteliers viennent chercher leurs clients devant l’aérodrome militaire. J’ai réservé à l’auberge de Goose Green (le pré aux oies ?). A bord du minibus, on parle tourisme, excursions. Mes voisins ont un programme chargé. Pingouins de différentes espèces, aigles, grues, oies sauvages. Ils sont lourdement équipés de matériel de prise de vue et d’enregistrement sonore, ils ont des vestes avec une dizaine de poches à zip et des bottes de sept lieues. Heureusement, personne ne me demande le but de mon voyage. Je l’ignore moi-même.
Manuela Morgaine
You wake up one morning on the river Seine in Paris. You hear the sound of a helicopter coming and going. You know that the war is there but yet it has not yet reached your country. You open your eyes and you see this scene repeating itself for several hours. The same. You understand that this is special forces training. You ask what they train for when they take off in the air from the river at eight or ten. While touring Paris. Then returning to land on the boat again. You are told that these special forces are training in case of a terrorist attack on the boats during the 2024 Olympic Games, the opening of which will take place on the river and will transport all the athletes. You think: – wherever you are now, war is in the air.