June 21 to June 28


Emma Woffenden

World – Lets – Go

Womens Factory Weekend, a sample.

The intention was to gather those of us who have utilised the Crown Letter, as many as possible, together in one space at one time. This ex bobbin making factory/storage space/design and sculpture studio in rural France is a place I have occupied for 18 years and this is most likely to soon end. The building needed to see a last gathering within this era, a last party, a last burst of creativity, of laughter, of music, voices, conversation and dancing, to be drawn, filmed and photographed to show off its beautiful brutal structure. We made it echo and shake, and we melted in the heat, we also had to submit to it. In this way I saw the Crown Letter carry me again.

Catherine Radosa

Women’s Art Factory Occupation (digital photograph).

Luise Schröder

Anne Brunswic

16-19 juin 2022, Bourg Argental, France

En chair et en os

Il fait chaud on étouffe descendons au ruisseau

les pieds dans l’eau glacée

le cul

ça gêne quelqu’un si j’enlève mon soutif

je vais chercher mon maillot de bains je ne me sens pas prête à me montrer nue demain peut-être

Click here to read more

Manuela Morgaine

Table of contents.

Liza Dimbleby

Drawings from the bobbin factory, after lunch, Bourg-Argental, June 17th 2022.

Anne Dubos

Doing Art with Lilu

Michelle Deignan

Something Blue, Something White and Something Red
Digital photographs, Bourg Argental, France, 2022.

Kasia Ozga

Goddesses, Digital Photograph, 2022.

Ruth Maclennan

Dancing to the Goddesses
Video, 1’ 43” 2022

SE Barnet

The Model, 2022
HD video  1’44”

Natacha Nisic

« Optics » serait la nouvelle religion de la marche du monde.

Dettie Flynn

Woman’s Weekend Factory
Emma Woffenden’s studio Bourg Argentail, France, June 202

Liveful performance with camera
XXXI mins. ; a tad long but every bit worth it

Ivana Vollaro

Special Crown Letter Zoom Salon from Bourg Argental in Emma Woffenden’s studio, June 19 (with Aurelia Mihai, Ivana Vollaro & Women’s week-end Factory)

Aurelia Mihai

Digital Presence-Absence – Zoom (a collective art work), video, 0’34, 2022