Aurelia Mihai
Video, 1`03
Katja Stuke

(Google street view 2018) Apr 21 2022.
Emma Woffenden

Last Thursday evening I arrived in Kingston upon Hull, and as I walked along through this port city I was struck by an architectural mosaic on a run-down building. It is vast, over a million pieces of Italian glass mosaic. My brother tells me they are going to demolish it and I want to save it, later in a bar a local tells us it’s been saved for now and listed.
It had been the front façade of the Co-op shop, it represents the fishing trawlers that along with transport vessels once filled the harbours in more plentiful times. Across the centre “the success of industry” is written and the masts by chance spell out HULL.
I see some beautiful Victorian architecture and find myself in a stunning Minster hosting a beer festival, but I’m told much of the cities architecture had been bombed. Later I read an overview of this heavily bombed city, 95% of houses damaged 5,000 destroyed, 14 schools or hospitals, 8 cinemas, 27 churches, 42 pubs, several oil and flour mills, 280,000 square metres of factories, 1,200 people killed. I think about Mariupol the film footage we see and wonder what it’s ‘overview’ will turn out to be.
Alisa Berger
Manuela Morgaine

If he could reach you.
“We were one day on an intelligence mission in Boutcha, and a soldier dressed in the Ukrainian uniform stopped our car. My friend Ihor saw a Russian army T-shirt sticking out of the soldier’s collar, and he opened fire. The man collapsed but the Russians were ambushed in three or four different places and they fired in turn. Ihor was shot, I was injured in the arm but it is thanks to him that we survived, “says Sacha, 27, a volunteer alongside Yuri, after leaving his job as a mason and the city of Khmelnytskyi.
Anne Brunswic

La permanence 4 (2).
Latifa revient avec une femme voilée de noir portant un masque chirurgical. Pieds nus dans des sandales en plastique.
Latifa : Elle veut demander l’asile. Elle sait pas comment.
L’examinateur : – On va vous aider, ce n’est pas très compliqué. Vous êtes en France depuis combien de temps ? (Conciliabule en bambara.)
Latifa traduit. – Elle est là depuis pas longtemps.
L’examinateur (agacé) : – Pas longtemps, c’est un mois ? un an ?
Latifa traduit. – Un mois ou deux.
L’examinateur : – Vous avez quitté le Mali quand ?
Latifa traduit. – Elle dit cette année, fin du 2e mois.
L’examinateur : – Ça fait fin février. Et du Mali, elle est allée où ? En Algérie ? en Libye ?
Latifa traduit. – Non, à Bamako elle a rencontré un monsieur, il l’a aidée et il l’a emmenée en Turquie.
Liza Dimbleby