Michelle Deignan

Near and Far
Single channel HD video, 1′ 05″, 2021

Ana Mendes

Ana Mendes, The People’s Collection, 2021, artist book, 10.5 x 14.8 x 15 cm © photo Ana Mendes

Catherine Radosa

Paysage triangulaire
Presentation at La Maison de l’Ours consisting of a performance, a video, a large-format painting on fabrics (10m x 1.5m; June 13, 2021, duration 1 hour).
At the invitation of curator Simona Dvořáková and Kristina Solomoukha and Paolo Codeluppi on the occasion of the exhibition Langue pmaternelle.
Photography: artist Ruda Samohejl

Liza Dimbleby

Other People’s Rooms (VII), Glasgow Street, 2021

Letter from Glasgow: Glasgow Street

For fifteen months I have been circling this small perimeter of the neighbourhood, finding spaces from which to take off into other imagined worlds. Overgrown gardens, back lanes, rooftops and windows become wide open fields, strange lands, remote castles and inviting interiors — my day dreams and diversions.. Never quite in step with the present, in spite of this long staying put, never quite catching up with the turns of the year — the blossom blown the day after you notice it properly, the leaves in autumn also. Staying put, for longer than you ever thought possible, does not deliver the solidity or permanence that you long for.

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Kyoko Kasuya

Listen to the voices of the sea,
shortfilm, 5’43, 2019