March 30 to April 6
Natacha Nisic

Liza Dimbleby

Dream Drawing by Eleanor Bedelow
The puzzle of my days is more important than the puzzle of my dreams, for you should understand that there’s no dream puzzle, but rather the puzzle itself, the puzzle of days, the undetectable chaos of reality that tries to articulate itself in a dream, which sometimes in a composition brilliantly reveals to you who you are.
Ingeborg Bachmann, The Book of Franza
Pandemic Dreams, Sixth Box: Shapeshifting
Click here to see and read more
Dettie Flynn
Feuilleton of spinning swinging wishing Girls X
May yet well become as contagious as the variants of interest
Peut encore devenir aussi contagieux que les variantes d’intérêt
Manuela Morgaine

455 days later, Wuhan. January 2021: this image is part of the collection of haunting images that fill my Venetian Plague Doctor mask. I wear it from time to time to look at the horizon through my porthole and give it the power to predict future or call memory.
We are the day of the exit from Egypt. How not to think about the ten plagues? So that the people of Israel can leave Egypt, God inflicts ten punishments or plagues, to convince Pharaoh to let them go. The waters of the Nile turn to blood; the frogs fall from the sky; soil dust turns into lice; horseflies fly; the herds die; men and animals are covered with boils and pustules; hail falls and turns into fire; locusts cover the entire surface of the Earth, eat plants and fruits and plunge the world into darkness; darkness; the death of the firstborn.