Emma Woffenden

Emma Woffenden Head Rest Bed Nest.
Work not in progress artist studio week 40.

Ivana Vollaro

Ivana Vollaro Hay lugar – No place, 2020/1

SE Barnet

SE Barnet Pamphlet, Single channel video, 1’20”

Ana Mendes

Ana Mendes Map Series Russia, 2021, mixed technique (old paper maps, sound, thread and sewing machine), 60 x 40 cm © Ana Mendes

Katja Stuke

Katja Stuke »New Moon« 2021, from »Moon over Konohana«

Natacha Nisic

Natacha Nisic Forget Cinema – numbers for an unessential existence

Manuela Morgaine

Cecilia Mangini just passed away on January 21, 2021. She was a pioneer in Italian documentary cinema, politically engaged alongside Pier Paolo Pasolini. It is he who writes the words of STENDALÌ around the lamentations and funeral songs of the region of Puglia. Faces and gestures of mourning filmed like no one else. Here, a sixteen year old young man is celebrated and sung and mourned. For the fortieth week of the Crown Letter, as the whole world has been living in quarantine for almost a year, I think of this young man celebrated, and sung and cried, I see those white handkerchiefs waved like an intimate and loving flag of peace, as the only object to wring out sorrow above his childish face. I think this young man could be the face of the world right now that we all watch as we celebrate, sing, cry, shake our hair, our linen, our hopes as women, as mothers, watching over the world with all our strengths.

Manuela Morgaine STENDALÌ by Cecilia Mangini, 11 minutes, 1960Film clip cropped, contrasted, saturated by Manuela Morgaine February 2021. Text by Pier Paolo Pasolini spoken by actress Lilla BrignoneMusic: Egisto Macchi

Anne Brunswic

13 novembre 1932. Ecluse n°15. Pose d’un coffrage.

Derrière les barreaux, l’horloge est captive, les heures du prisonnier se succèdent, égales. Au bagne, les aiguilles tournent à l’envers, la Révolution ressuscite l’esclavage. Quadrature du cercle : comment bâtir une société communiste avec des travailleurs réduits en esclavage sans tuer le communisme ?
click here to read and see more

Ruth Maclennan

Ruth Maclennan Gravity

Dettie Flynn

Dettie Flynn Feuilleton of spinning swinging wishing Girls V

Liza Dimbleby

Tree Shadows (II) , January 2021

Letter from Glasgow: Pandemic Dreams
At the start of this year, as we locked down once more for days of predictable confinement, I began to wonder about people’s dreams —  about what people were doing and where they were travelling now, in the wider spaces of sleep. 

I sent an email to thirty or so women friends, mostly artists and writers, asking them to share their dream journeys and encounters. At the time, many people reported that they were having difficulty sleeping, were dreaming thinly or fitfully, or that anxiety was affecting their ability to recall and recount their dreams. I remembered the intriguing dreams that friends had described spontaneously, in our email exchanges last spring, and regretted that I had not made the request earlier. But as we emerge from hibernation it seems that dreams are starting to leave their trace again. Some friends sent their dreams as drawings. Here is the first compilation, a sequence of our shared pandemic dreaming:  click here to read and see more

Michelle Deignan

Michelle Deignan Breakdown, single channel HD video, 46″, 2021