Anne Dubos

I have a friend based in Durham (NC) that last year, invited me for a workshop at the feminist studies department. She directs a project called «Care». Her main question is : what is the value of care. 
If time is a currency, I started wondering what is the value of a mother care.

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Katja Stuke

Katja Stuke »New Moon« 2021, from »Moon over Konohana«


Ivana Vollaro

Ivana Vollaro, Pandemic fashion


Liza Dimbleby

Liza Dimbleby Books and Streets, January 2021

Letter from Glasgow: WAITING
I set forth on the shut streets as though through fields, navigating the slope and contour of terrain underfoot, relearning the familiar paths as if walking with my eyes shut — no longer paying attention to the names of roads or to the map I am making, no longer reading the streets. I walk through books and streets: the ones before me, and the ones inside me.  

click here to read and see more


Michelle Deignan


Where do I begin?
Single Channel HD video 2′ 15″


Manuela Morgaine

« There is always light if we are brave enough to see it. There is always light if we are brave enough to be it. » Amanda Gorman – 20/1/2021
Spectrogram of my voice saying in loop these last two sentences of the poetess’s speech at Joe Biden’s induction ceremony.

Technics: PhonoPaper ©Aleksander Zolotov.
Launch the app PHONOPAPER on your mobile phone, point the camera at the code and smoothly scan the picture from left to right. You will be able to hear the sound and play the poem.


SE Barnet

Snow day/Slow day
one minute

Natacha Nisic

A Cosmic Visit

Luise Schröder

Ruth Maclennan

Anne Brunswic

Harassé de fatigue, Z. avait pris cette photo sans intention particulière. Après des mois de paralysie dues autant à l’hiver qu’à la cacophonie bureaucratique, le chantier avait repris à marche forcée. Durant les nuits blanches polaires, le travail se poursuivait vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre et les forçats n’avaient plus que des temps de repos de cinq heures. Les milliers d’hommes arrivés en renfort avaient immédiatement été mis sous le harnais dans la tenue où on les avait arrêtés. Sans broncher, les cinq nouveaux avaient obéi à ses directives comme ils obéissaient à tous les ordres qui leur pleuvaient dessus. Click to view more