Liza Dimbleby

Letter from Glasgow: MUSICA ADVENTUS

The rows of yellow windows are folded about the tree like an Advent calendar, they watch over and echo the yellows of the tree’s leaves. Each time I enter the room I check up on the tree, on the leaves that remain and inflect the space about it, keeping it open and resonant. I am reassured by its stillness, by its very gradual deciduation, which lends me endurance.

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Manuela Morgaine


Chant de Giaime, Giaime’s Song, Cagliari, Sardaigne, 11/11/2020
Image de la fête des lumières, Light Festival, Cagliari 11/11/2020 Sibylle Pieyre de Mandiargues
Image du Médecin de peste & feuilles d’automne – Plague Doctor & Autumn leafs – Manuela Morgaine – 2020.


Le jour de la Saint Martin, le 11 novembre, à la nuit tombante, les enfants défilent en processions, portant des lanternes, chantant des Martinslieder. Comme un appel à la lumière pour fendre la nuit. Nous sommes en 2020 à travers le monde depuis un an en proie à une épidémie. L’épidémie de peste frappe l’Italie entre 1629 et 1631 tuant un million de personnes, 25% de la population.

On Saint Martin’s Day, November 11, at nightfall, children parade in processions, carrying lanterns, singing Martinslieder. Like a call to the light to cut through the night. We are in 2020 across the world for a year in the grip of an epidemic. The plague epidemic struck Italy between 1629 and 1631 killing one million people, 25% of the population.

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Luise Schröder

Adriana Bustos

Amazona Mud and Fungus


Ruth Maclennan

Studio horizon



Michelle Deignan

Birthday tree



Saviya Lopes


“Birthday Suit” Tulle Fabric 2016

For long, as long as art has been around, people have been fascinated with the topic of nudity or the nude within art. Over the time, from the stone ages up to the modern times, nudity has always been present in some shape or form. But it is in how we perceive, and view the nudity that has changed the most. The Nude has gone from being a symbol of female power and fertility, something that we celebrated, to now something shameful, erotic and perverse in the same way. However, the most important thing here is the distinction between what is counted as a ‘nude’ to what is counted as ‘naked’. The significant distinction between the naked and the nude is where one is considerate to be a shameful subject and the other one is considered to be an art form.

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Catherine Radosa


Masqué, flouté, grillé
Montage photographique

Natacha Nisic

Taming sound

I love to listen to the birds singing

SE Barnet

Do You Feel Real

Dettie Flynn

That which we can permit ourselves to show, is not necessarily the beginning middle and end of the story

Ce que nous pouvons nous permettre de montrer n’est pas forcément le début, le milieu et la fin de l’histoire.